What Is An Urban
Wilderness Area?
Urban Wilderness Areas are specially designed to protect an area of land and/or water, support natural processes, species and habitat; and where human activities are primarily passive and do not compromise ecological function.
In August 2021, a statement of collaboration was signed between Halifax Regional Municipality and Parks Canada National Urban Parks Program to create a National Urban Park. Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes is one of four sites shortlisted across Canada for this designation.
Traditional Lands & Treaties
The Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area is located on the traditional territory of the Mi’kma’ki and Wabanaki (Dawnland Confederacy) peoples – signatories of the Peace & Friendship Treaty of 1779.
Popular Activities
Trail Stewards
Our volunteer Trail Stewards help maintain the trail system, monitor the activities of visitors to the park, and offer education on appropriate trail use. Learn More about how you can get involved.
Guided Hikes
Our guided hikes for those who might want to explore the woods, but would feel more comfortable in a group with others leading the way. Learn More about how you can get involved.

Become A Friend
Join our 1,100 members in becoming a Friend of Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes.
Members can join committees, participate in AGM’s, receive early communications about upcoming activities, and get access to exclusive members-only events.
We are a 100% Volunteer supported organization. Whether it’s trail maintenance, event planning, advertising or administrative tasks – your involvement can have a tremendous impact.
Financial Donations directly benefit the long-term sustainability and longevity of Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes. Donations are eligible for charitable tax receipts via Nova Scotia Trails Federation.